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The Mexican baritone Gabriel Arbesú studied bel canto at the former Na@onal School of Music in Mexico City with baritone Roberto Bañuelas, and piano with Marcia Freyre de Andrade (who studied under Claudio Arrau). Gabriel was a member of the ENM (UNAM) Chorus and performed as a soloist in the Cervan@no Interna@onal Fes@val in Mozart's Corona@on Mass. He was a music teacher working with the Carl Orff method at the Ins@tuto Tlalpan in Mexico, organising and conduc@ng school music fes@vals every year. Since moving to Scotland, he has been studying saxophone with saxophonist Deke McGee and piano and singing with Vivien Mackie. He sang Count Ceprano in the Clyde Opera produc@on of RigoleVo in 2017. In 2018 he appeared as Pirelli in the musical Sweeney Todd with Glasgow Music Theatre. Gabriel plays tenor saxophone in the Strathclyde University Big Band and is a member of the RSNO Chorus, which performs major choral pieces several @mes a year in some of the most important venues in Scotland.
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